My Internship at Food Matters

Internship Sunshine Coast. A couple of months back I began working as an intern for the head of social media and communication at a company called Food Matters. Now for those of you who don’t know what food matters is let me give you a short background.

Food matters started by a couple, James and Laurentine, who were looking to find a way to help heal James sick dad. On their journey of researching and discovery they found a lot of interesting information, but James dad was not interested in the books and research they sent him. This led them to create Food Matter a documentary where they interviewed doctors, scientist, nutritionists and health professionals from all over the world. They showed James dad’s the footage and he got hooked.

After a couple of months of having changed his diet and slowly getting him off his medications, even against the protests from his doctors, he was back to his former healthy self. They decided to share Food Matters with the rest of the world and it has now been seen by millions. They went on to create another documentary called Hungry for change, launch a health and wellness version of Netflix called FMTV and of course launch the Food Matters webpage where they share daily healthy recipes, articles, videos and quotes.

Being a health communication student and a bit of a Food Matters fan (being modest here), I was super excited and of course extremely nervous when getting the opportunity to start an internship there. So how does a normal day look like at Food Matters?

Arriving bright an early at 9am I am greeted by a bright, sunshine filled office and several of the happy Food Matters team members. Many are already sitting at their desks working away, whilst some newly arrived are chatting with their colleges in the Food Matters kitchen whilst making their breakfast smoothie. After putting down my stuff at my designated spot, I have a chat with my supervisor, about what is on today’s agenda. A bit later on James arrives at the office with a big smile on his face. He makes his round around the office where he greets and hugs everyone before he heads over to his own desk.

During my internship I got to do a variety of different things from helping out with Instagram to develop short videos for their FMTV content. There was always something new to do and learn, which made every day stand out.

Lunch time is always a social event at Food Matters as a general rule in the office is that nobody eats at their desk. So either you can find the most sitting together at the big table in the kitchen or going out to eat at one of the several cafes along the esplanade, which are only a short walk from the office. It is always interesting to see what everyone brings, food wise, as it is always some type of delicious healthy food.

After lunch, it is back to work and maybe a tea break… Or two. The office has a great selection of tea (I have tried them all) and coffee. By 5 o’clock people are slowly starting to pack up and head home or maybe to a yoga class.

I recently finished my internship at Food Matters after being there for around three and a half months. All I can say is that it was a great experience and there are so many amazing people working at the office trying to help people live healthier and happier lives. Food Matters is truly a company which the world need from providing education in form of documentaries to healthy recipes, articles and videos.


by Amanda Rogmark – Study Sunshine Coast Student Ambassador


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