The Sunshine Coast Council has landed a Cyber Security Innovation Node, one of only two regional nodes appointed in the country.
Delivering increased cyber security capability, talent and education programs across the region, as well as fast-tracking cyber security exports internationally, the Sunshine Coast Cyber Security Innovation Node will play a strong role in AustCyber’s national network of nodes.
Queensland is the only state in Australia to host three Cyber Security Innovation Nodes, which has been made possible through a strong partnership between the Queensland Government, AustCyber and each local government authority, including Sunshine Coast Council.
With the global spend on cyber security products and services expected to exceed US$250 billion by 2026, the Sunshine Coast is supporting Australia’s role in shaping the international cyber marketplace, and is capitalising on this emerging industry.
Sunshine Coast Mayor Mark Jamieson said the establishment of this Node is an important next step for the region after the activation of the Sunshine Coast International Broadband Network in March.
“The Sunshine Coast now provides the fastest international data and telecommunications transmissions from Queensland and the east coast of Australia to Asia, which makes our region a logical location for the development of leading-edge cyber security capabilities and expertise,” Mayor Jamieson said.
“High value initiatives such as this, which we identified early on in our submarine cable journey, will generate exciting new employment and industry development opportunities that will underpin our region’s economy.
Queensland Minister for Innovation Kate Jones said cyber security was going to become more important to businesses into the future.
“It’s important we build our local industry. The Node will connect and upskill Queensland cyber companies. This means growth and jobs. But also security and success for local businesses,” she said.
“The cyber security industry has the potential to almost triple in size over the next decade, with revenues expected to increase from $2 billion in 2018 to $6 billion by 2026.
“There are opportunities for Queensland companies to grow to respond to local demand as well as export opportunities.
“In particular there are growth opportunities where cyber security supports priority industries, including defence, medtech, mining technology and services, advanced manufacturing, food and agriculture.”
COVID-19 has resulted in many small businesses increasing their online presence, which in turn broadens opportunities for cyber-crime like credit card fraud, identify theft, hacking online accounts and ransomware.