The Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) is Australia’s national research evaluation, administered by the Australian Research Council providing reliable and credible data on the quality of research in Australian universities. The ratings are based on a number of indicators comparing Australia research effort against international benchmarks. The latest ERA evaluation was conducted in 2015, and the results for Queensland universities was quite outstanding, given 8 of 10 Queensland universities are considered young, aged under 50 years.
Snapshot of Queensland universities’ performance in ERA
- 92% of Environment Science and Environment Management research across Queensland universities ranks ‘above world standard’
- All Queensland universities rank either at ‘world standard’, ‘above world standard’ or ‘well above world standard’ in Medical and Health Science research
- Queensland universities rank ‘above world standard’ or ‘well above world standard’ in 72 out of 179 research fields (40%)
- All research in fields related to Technology is ranked ‘well above world standard’ in Queensland.
Snapshot of Sunshine Coast universities’ performance in ERA
Well above World Standard
- Environmental Sciences
- Ecological Applications
- Environmental Science and Management
- Ecology
- Zoology
- Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences
- Fisheries Sciences
- Forestry Sciences
- Horticultural Production
- Veterinary Sciences
- Technology
- Neurosciences
- Nursing
Above World Standard
- Biological Sciences
- Materials Engineering
- Psychology and Cognitive Sciences
- Psychology
World Standard
- Engineering
- Medical and Health Sciences
- Human Movement and Sport Science
- Medical Microbiology
- Studies in Human Society
- Criminology
- Human Geography
- Policy and Administration
- Language, Communication and Culture
Well above World Standard
- Mathematical Sciences
- Applied Mathematics
- Nursing
- Other Medical and Health Sciences
- Psychology and Cognitive Sciences
- Other Psychology and Cognitive Sciences
Above World Standard
- Environmental Sciences
- Environmental Science and Management
- Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences
- Mechanical Engineering
- Media and Health Sciences
World Standard
- Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing
- Engineering
- Public Health and Health Services
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