I had an opportunity to visit the Big Kart Track on the Sunshine Coast as part of a Study Sunshine Coast Field trip. It was the first time I had driven a high-powered go kart. We were invited to the track by the Big Kart Track owner, Ferre who is a really nice man and good business operator on the Coast.
When we got to the track we had to fill out some paper work before we could go down and pick out the best fitting helmets. The really nice and experience crew at the Big Kart Track also ran through the safety instructions and track rules with us before we could go down to the track area. John and I also got to try out our race faces on the display karts in the kiosk before we jumped in the real ones.
When I was stuffing my head into the helmet the anticipation and excitement started building up in me. As I waited for everyone else to get ready my heart started pacing and my blood begins to pump fast. We then got into the karts and we were given instructions on how to operate the kart, at the back of my head l was already seeing myself on the track. As soon as I left the pits my foot goes deep into the accelerator! My blood pumped faster than I could handle as I plunged into the first corner.
When l was sweeping through the corners I had two things going through my mind: 1. Lewis Hamilton and don’t crash!! Eventually I come to a sweeping s-bend where a fellow Student Ambassador scared out of his mind of the speed was blocking my way. I saw the clear so I jamed my foot into the pedal and blasted off letting the adrenaline kick in!! The feeling of speed is a sensation that can’t be described in a clear manner. I had to experience it, not with boring statistics but with action! While going around the lapse I experienced the sensation that every race fan loves. The feeling of speed and the freedom to push your limits (or the karts) to the edge of insanity!!! This was truly an exhilarating moment as l felt the lovely cool breeze move past my face, smelling the scent of the ocean a couple of miles away.
We had a break after our first session on the track and cool down with a nice cold drink from the kiosk in the main building at the Big Kart Track. We sat out on the deck to catch our breath and watched other racers zoom around the track. It was so funny hearing everyone talk about their spin outs and how fast they were going and everyone had a good laugh.
We finished our break and headed back out onto the track for another session where I tried to go faster and quicker than I had in the first session. I loved the feeling of overtaking people on the tight corners as well as on the long straight stretches when you can get up the most speed!
After the race all l could think about was being behind the kart going at top speed around the track! What a great experience this was to share with a group of people! It was a great afternoon spent with my fellow Study Sunshine Coast Student Amabssadors at the Big Kart Track and I can’t wait to go back and feel the rush time and time again! You can watch our video of the afternoon here.
by Elvis Musandu – Study Sunshine Coast Student Ambassador