Register your interest – Project Global Citizen

Project Global Citizen Application

The type of education institution I am currently studying at is(Required)
I am an(Required)
I have lived in Australia for this number of years(Required)
My gender is(Required)
Please complete this information so that we can assess your application(Required)
Where did you hear about this Project Global Citizen scholarship opportunity?(Required)
Why are you applying for this Scholarship?(Required)
The purpose of the following questions are to help us assess how beneficial it will be for you to undertake the PGC scholarship program. At Study Sunshine Coast and PGC, we are focused on helping students who will get the most value out of building cultural competency skills to thrive and survive in Australia and around the world. In other words, you don’t have to be great at bridging cultures just yet – that’s what we are here for! Which cross-cultural topic(s) included in the PGC program is of greatest relevance to you?
By submitting this application, you:(Required)