Congratulations to our new cohort of Sunshine Coast students who have been awarded Project Global Citizen scholarships, fully sponsored by Study Sunshine Coast Australia.
Yesterday kicked off their 8-week cultural competency program, joining the worldwide movement of global citizens. The Project Global Citizen movement creates a foundation for global citizenship with cultural competence.
Our international and local scholars from UniSC and TAFE Queensland are developing a suite of practical skills that will enable them to succeed here in Australia or anywhere in the world as truly global citizens.
Study Sunshine Coast Director Tracey Coobula said once again the program was oversubscribed with students. “The student response to this Project Global Citizen program as once again been extremely positive. We have Sunshine Coast students participating from a diverse mix of countries including China, Australia, USA, Canada, Brazil, Vietnam, Hungary, Philippines, Cambodia, Colombia, Russia and Zimbabwe,” Coobula said.
Project Global Citizen graduate and former Study Sunshine Coast student Ambassador, Joe Bautista was the guest speaker at the first workshop last night. Joe shared details of his story here on the Sunshine Coast as a UniSC student and then as a graduate working and thriving in the local workforce.
“Joe is such an inspirational speaker and it was so engaging for the current PGC student cohort to hear his story first hand of being an international student on the Sunshine Coast and then choosing to stay on and call the Sunshine Coast home,” Coobula said.
The Semester 2 PGC cohort of students will now undertake an 8-week blended learning program that radically improves their cultural competency skills for studying, living and working across cultures as a truly global citizen.
The program creates an understanding of culturally-influenced expectations (the “unwritten rules”) of employers and how to bridge the gaps that could limit your ability to survive and thrive in your new host country.
At the end of the program, the Project Global Citizen graduates are certified with a micro credential they can use in their CVs and LinkedIn profiles.