Congratulations to the team at Study Queensland for being awarded the Council of International Students Australia Inc. Award for the Best International Student Support Initiative of the Year for the Study Queensland COVID-19 Response. Study Queensland in conjunction with Study Sunshine Coast have supported thousands of students across the state. Study Queensland Executive Director, Shannon Willoughby was delighted with the award.
“We know our international students are doing it tough and the team has worked so hard to advocate for them, provide assistance and reprioritise funding. The Queensland Government has dedicated more than $15m as well as standing up a welfare working group. Each day, we receive beautiful messages thanking #Queensland for this assistance”, Willoughby said.
“Initiatives included a grants portal, the Queensland Online Student Hub, The Study Queensland Luhrmann Appeal and formed a partnership with charity aggregator GIVIT.org.au.”
The award echoes the heartfelt messages we’ve already received from students through our welfare program:
“Thank you so much for granting me the support. You just don’t know how happy I am right now. Thank you Queensland International Student Crisis Assistance Team. And most of all I am happy that I am here in Australia especially during this difficult time. More power to all of you.’’
“Hi there, I’m one of the international students who received the $500 assistance, and I just want to say thank you so much for this support. This will go to my funds for enrolment. Thank you so much.”
“Dear Queensland International Student Crisis Assistance Grant Team,
Thank you very much for considering my application. Your team helped a lot of international students like me. I wholeheartedly appreciate your help. Thank you and have a good day!”
“I would like to take this opportunity to thank and appreciate your team’s hard work, thank you very much for your efforts in reviewing and processing my application. I am very grateful to have received financial assistance. This is really great and will help me a lot. Again, Thank you for your help.”
For more information about how students can access this support, click here.