As you’ve likely heard, the Queensland Government, on the advice of the state’s Chief Health Officer (CHO), has introduced new social distancing restrictions and new guidelines for parts of Queensland.
Gatherings in private homes and public spaces are restricted to a maximum of 10 people for people in the following Local Government Areas:
- Brisbane City Local Government Area (LGA)
- Ipswich City LGA
- Logan City LGA
- Scenic Rim Regional LGA
- Somerset Region LGA
- Lockyer Valley LGA
- Moreton Bay LGA
- Redland City LGA
Businesses that operate in offices, cafes, restaurants and bars etc which operate with a COVID Safe plan are exempt from the Health Directive.
However, in addition, Queensland Health encouraged people to wear masks in public spaces in the aforementioned LGAs where social distancing cannot be maintained.
There are simple rules to follow in order to stop the spread of the novel coronavirus in Queensland:
1) Stay home if you are sick
2) Get tested if you have any symptoms no matter how mild
3) Try and stay two large steps away from other people
4) Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water (sing a rendition of Happy Birthday while you
do it, but don’t leave the tap running!)
5) Leave a location if it is crowded
If you have any concerns about your health, contact your doctor or contact 13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84) as soon as possible.